One E-mail Marketing Tip You Must Know.

Some of the best email marketing “hacks” are really more like what-not-to-do tips than actual hacks.

A successful email marketing strategy involves keeping things simple so that you’re not distracting the reader away from the most important part of your email marketing —

It is considered as the actual helpful content that you’re providing.

Just put yourself in a subscriber’s shoes — what’s the most important thing you’d be on the lookout for?

It’s probably going to be the value that’s being provided within your content. They’re not going to care about the design of your newsletter that much. In fact, if you throw in too many flashy images it could be too distracting and turn the focus away from the actual text.

And it’s also good for your — the marketer, to focus on keeping everything simple. Would you rather spend half your time coming up with an idea for content and writing it and the other half picking the right design template, or would your time better be served to focus all your energy on providing a more compelling or interesting piece of newsletter content?

So one big tip that I would say can help your marketing strategy is to just start sending emails using a blank template and all text. It will be easier to read, will keep your readers more focused on your actual writings, and will allow you to dedicate more time to content rather than design.


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